Tuesday, 10 May 2011

South Korean Adventure

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

I applied for the Susan Cotton Travel Awards at my university, which is an award that enables people to travel to learn more about other cultures and life!
I honestly didn't expect to get through, so when I read my email yesterday and found out that I did.. Well, basically I freaked out. I was kind of thinking of it as one of those things where I apply and think 'oh, I won't get it..' but then to see that I did is absolutely.. Unbelievable really..
Going on my own to South Korea will be such a challenge, but an amazing one I'm sure. I'm a bit scared though, going alone. The only time I've ever been out of the UK has been with my family, and going so far as South Korea? A scary thought.
To think that gaming has inspired me to take this journey is also a funny feeling, South Korea is one of the most crazy about gaming places you can go, and I'm looking forward to experiencing their culture. I've read that they're very advanced technology-wise and the capital city, Seoul, (where I'm hoping to go, wow, well now it's going!) Is a megacity, so it'll be massive! Lots of things to explore and experience.
Overall I'm so so so so so excited! But scared! But excited! I might use this blog to write more about planning my trip over the next few months, I'm planning to go at the beginning of August so I have the most time possible to plan what I can do and get prepared. I'm also already thinking about doing video diaries of everyday that I'm there, and also maybe some before to talk about how I'm feeling about this adventure I'm about to take. I feel so lucky to be given this opportunity. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I'm soo soo grateful!
Hannah B © 2014